Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tomorrow: Accountability April!

I know I promised y'all a post about Larry's benefit. And I shall deliver one. Unfortunately, I'm farther behind on another promised post, and I've already advertised this one on twitter.

About a month ago, Karina (a blogging friend) and I discussed our goals for our NaNoWriMo novels. We both wanted to read them, finish writing them, and do a round of editing. But that takes motivation, energy... things that are lacking a mere four months after finishing the insanity that is NaNoWriMo.  So Karina, being the brilliant idea chick that she is, came up with the idea of Accountability April.  

How many people, she wondered, started a New Year's resolution only to see it falter a couple of months into the year? How many people would like to lose 10 pounds or start journaling or read more or pray more or ________ [fill in your goal here]?

If your goal can be accomplished -- or kick-started -- in a month, then comment on this post and join us in April as we encourage each other to reach our goals. I'd love to hear about what everyone has in mind, although you're welcome to keep your goal private if you'd prefer not to share it.  You can still check in and let us know how you're doing as well as seeing how others are doing.  And oh hey, leave your twitter name if you have one too so we can all follow each other there as well. Mine (linked earlier in this post) is lisareid, and Karina's is CandidK.

I can't wait to see what happens next month!


Karina said...

And we're off!!! I'm excited about this, I think it'll give us the push we need. My post is up now too: http://tinyurl.com/dmw88e


Becky Laswell said...

I had a goal to stop drinking sugary sodas (and going just for water, unsweetened tea, coffee, and juice - I don't really want to just exchange sugary sodas for diet either).

But, with the stress of the last few weeks, I've given up on that. April sounds like a good time to re-start. (But, I declare, not until Saturday!)

I also want to make a goal to keep the house more neat. But, that's huge and I'm kinda overwhelmed, so I'll re-start with something achievable: remembering to sort the mail each day instead of letting it pile up.

I'm beckylaswell on twitter

Lisa said...

Thanks for the comment love, ladies!

Becky, as you know, I had the same goal as you (drinking water for 40 days). I haven't managed to really do so either, although I've cut way down -- so much so that I've noticed some weight loss! And I definitely agree that both you and I should be allowed whatever soda we'd like to drink at your celebration dinner on Friday!

I've also been trying to keep my house neater (and hosting parties for three out of the last four weeks has definitely helped). For me, it helps to concentrate on one or two rooms. Son the Younger makes the major mess in front of the TV. I make the major mess in my own bedroom, when I know that keeping it neat helps my peace of mind. So that's where I try to consciously keep it cleaner (although I'm not doing a great job right now).

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Oh, how I wish I could lose weight in a month. I mean, yes, I could lose weight in a month - but I wish I could lose 75 lbs in a month!

Yes, I realize that I won't lose anything until I just start. Reality is a bummer. :)

I love the name and the look of your blog!!