Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Good Day

Today, I had lunch with hubby and a couple of fun former co-workers (who thankfully are going to print out some stuff I need since I am currently printer-less).

I got some new sunglasses, since -- par for the course -- I lost mine. $10 for polarized at Academy, sweet!

Also at Academy, I got some long johns so the rare chilly times in central Texas won't be quite so bad out in the garage bonding with my torch.

Then I headed to my favorite bead place, where I stocked up on clasps. I was running REALLY low. It's no good to have a necklace if you can't fasten it!

Everyone seems to like my hair. I unexpectedly got about 6" whacked off last night. My stylist and I agreed it was too long and some needed to go. In my mind, that meant 3" or so. When she made the first cut, I'm pretty sure I gasped audibly. Oh well, it's hair. It'll grow back. Of course, Katina is a hair wizard, so it looks fantastic in the opinion of everyone but my husband, who only loves it if it's looooooooong.

Sorry, no pics yet... no time for much of anything except beading right now. Hope to post one soon!

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