Friday, February 6, 2009

Planning to Plan

I used to be really organized. Then last year I started working from home, and I lost my organizational mojo. It's amazing how a change in venue can mess with you.

Now, I'm working hard -- sometimes feels like treading water -- to find tools that work for me to re-organize myself, personally and professionally.

In my personal life, I'm giving Google Calendar a try. I'm in front of a computer most of the day, so hopefully GCal will keep me from double scheduling my often hectic social life.

For grocery lists, for our family, simpler has always been better: if someone notices something is out (or about to be out), it goes on a list, which is on an index card. It's a nice size to carry with you, and stiff enough to mark things off while you're wandering the store.

Now I just need to get back to the tried and true method I used to use of flagging and filing mail in MS Outlook. I've gotten lazy about keeping up with it, and I hate looking for things in my inbox!

How do you stay organized? Go over to Natalie's Whatev' Weekend post and see what other people have to say... but leave me a comment and let me know about yours!


Natalie Witcher said...

Google? Hmmmmm! I LOVE your header! Thanks for playing....and...just so ya know, you don't have to post what I do, YOU can do WHAT EV'!! Thanks!

Becky Laswell said...

Around the house, we've started keeping a few stacking bins on the dining room table (right inside the front door) for sorting mail. One bin is for Matt to review (bills & stuff), another is stuff to shred, and the last is for coupons & catalogs. If an item doesn't fit into a bin, I carry it to the recycling immediately. It's working to keep the table clear this week. I hope to keep it up.